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Legal Consultant

Limited Legal Services & Legal Coaching

In addition to traditional representation, we also offer limited legal services and legal coaching. This allows clients to choose the right level of support for their own circumstances. 

Our Services

Limited legal services are just that - legal services that are limited in scope. Instead of hiring a lawyer to do everything for you, you hire them to do just the things you want, such as reviewing pleadings (court documents) that you've prepared yourself, or preparing pleadings for you. Just about anything a lawyer might do for you under full representation, they can do for you as a single piece.

Legal coaching is more about guiding you through your legal matter, explaining the processes and steps involved and providing advice along the way.

There are many reasons a person might choose to receive limited legal services or legal coaching. Often it's financial, as a means of saving some money by doing some - or a lot - of the work themselves. Sometimes it might be that a person can manage most of their matter themselves, and they just want a bit of help or a second opinion. Independent legal advice could be considered a limited legal service, if the lawyer is just reviewing and providing advice on a document prepared by someone else.

We offer a variety of services on a limited basis, including document preparation, document review, independent legal advice, legal research, and more. If you'd like to learn more about how this might work for you, please schedule a free consultation.


For more information visit .

General Resources:


Alberta Courts:

Parenting After Separation course:

Government of Canada family law resources:

Government of Canada parenting plan tool:

Centre for Public Legal Education Alberta:

Government of Alberta Family Resolution Hub:

Website Design By Dayle Sheehan Website & Social Media Design

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